What is This Newsletter All About Anyway?

This is a weekly Newsletter that publishes a detailed report on market sentiment and positioning which highlights the expected state of the markets over a period of weeks and months using sophisticated and proprietary models. The covered assets are the major FX pairs, Gold, and the S&P500 (US proxy of the stock market). The creator of this Newsletter is Sofien KAABAR known from Medium to providing daily articles detailing simple and complex trading strategies manually or algorithmically.

Do These Models Work?

Every model, technique, strategy, and idea is based on sold back-testing results which is continuously monitored in real time. The track record of these models is available in the Newsletter through a public article.

Why Should I Subscribe?

Subscribe so you stack up the odds on your side and improve your swing and long-term trading. Knowledge is power in this era and the more we read and know, the more powerful we become. Trading is a numbers’ game and we must master it so that we have a chance for survival. Make sure to understand that the smallest time frame you must use to obtain synergy from this Newsletter is a few days, also known as swing trading.

How Do You Calculate Positioning and Sentiment?

I use a healthy mix of raw data from the futures and spot market as well as other proprietary techniques to develop strategies backed by performance. To answer your unasked question, yes I use these models all the time in my personal investments.

What Else Besides a Weekly Report?

Occasionally, I publish an article showing market sentiment concepts and how to create your own models. These are educational and should help you design and optimize your trading framework. For more specialized trading topics, you can subscribe to my other Newsletter: All About Trading!

What is the Cost of a Subscription?

There are 3 plans:

  • FREE Plan: You can still subscribe and not pay anything. You will receive the occasional sentiment articles sent out publicly. Expect 1-2 per month.

  • €6.99 / Month: The basic plan to get the weekly detailed report. You can also comment and engage with the author and the community. Expect 1 per week.

  • €59.99 / Year: The best value to get the weekly detailed report which comes out at €5.00 / Month.

The paying subscription gives access to the archives where the past articles and reports can be read as well.

Also, choosing a Paid Subscription plan will earn you some gifts. As a gesture of gratitude, you will be able to receive the books below:

  • The Handbook of Exotic Trading Strategies, 2019.

  • The Book of Back-tests, 2020.

To claim the free books, send me an email to sofien-kaabar@hotmail.com

Thank you for your continued support. I will always keep sharing my knowledge.

Sofien KAABAR.

Subscribe to The Weekly Market Sentiment Report

A Weekly Report Covering Global Market Positioning Using Complex Models.


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